The avenue of Cherry Trees, Woodland Trust.

This is the third shot of the avenue since I started blipping. June and September last year. This is by far the best time of the year as the blossom is superb but it only lasts for a few days. The forecast for tomorrow is rain and wind so this might be the only opportunity to capture them in their crowning glory.

Unfortunately this shot was taken late in the day without the benefit of sunlight. This was because we'd taken Barbara and David to Gatwick to catch their flight back to Edinburgh. It was 6.00pm by the time we got home so it was a case of out quick while the going was good and hang the dinner. (It was about 9.00pm when we finally sat down to eat).

A good day all in all. We had a surprise visit from son, daughter-in-law and granddaughter in the morning. I'd contacted him yesterday to see when we could go over and take some Easter goodies for them but he said he'd come over to us. And a very pleasant enjoyable and productive couple of hours it was too.

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