Loch Laggan

It was a beautiful bright Lochaber day. Caley’s main walk was on the track leading to the beach at the west end of Loch Laggan. We knew before we got there that that there would be very little of the beach visible as Laggan Dam was spilling water. This dictates the level of inundation at Loch Laggan 6km upstream. There has not been much rain recently and I suspect the overflowing dam is the result of the warm sun on the snow fields in the high mountains of the catchment area. This is a frustrating situation for the operators as spilled water is lost energy. Come September the dam will be very low again and the aluminium smelter may be in the situation of having to buy power from the grid to supplement the diminished power output and to sustain production.
We have been invited to an afternoon get together tomorrow. There will be an Easter Egg hunt for the children and if the weather is the same as today a barbecue too. Everyone is bringing something. Our contribution being a heap of home made burgers and coleslaw. I have never understood why but home made burgers stay together better when cooking if they have been chilled first, so they are all prepared this afternoon and in the fridge now.
Such was the heat today our own dinner was cooked on charcoal too.

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