
By Inverculain

Washed clean

I've been promising for an embarrassingly long time that I'd take Rachael's car for a wash (the "layers of dirt are a great deterrent to would-be car thieves" excuse wore thin a long time ago) and this morning I finally did.

I'd love to say that I planned this shot with great precision, but the reality is I happened to have my camera with me, wide angle lens attached, and it occurred to me as the soap was going on that I might get an interesting snap. It was sheer chance that I caught it just as the water jet swept the mucky suds "off the sky" :)

(And yes, I did have a moment of panic right afterwards that the hard-working car washers - who, by the way, did a great job - might think I was s snooper from the DWP or HMRC...!)

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