Just the Withers......

By JaneW

Daily stroll ...

Pepé lives for his daily walk ... We always do a good hour as I find this is just right for him... Anymore than that and he gets a bit fed up... Mr W takes Sadie out again later ... Buffy usually stays with Pepé she looks after him.
Blimey it was cold today... My washing still dried as it was so windy ... Tits McGee and I realised we should have layered up before traipsing the open fields ...
I am beginning count down to camping ... Yep,
myself,Tits and wiggy are off on one of our adventures ... You will see where on Tuesday ... I can't reveal it as it gives too many people time to run away ;-)
This time we are not taking the pooches ... It's too limiting when the weather is crap,plus Sadie really was not keen so I won't take her again anyway.

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