Beep Beep Beep.

And little more beep beep beep beep beeeep beeep beep beeping. <3
The common quails have born!
And they are soooooooooooo cute! :)) And they have much to say.
When I got last night to my night shift, there were 7 born. During my shift three more borned and two of these I were witnessing =) And sadly one chick died in the night.
They had to spend their first hours in the small hatchery because in the morning their owner was coming to pick them home where they get bigger place to grow up. When they were brought to work, we got info, that when they born, they need bit of water. Not much or their can drown to it. Also cottage cheese can be given to them.
When I got to my shift, they didn't have water, just little bit of cottage cheese. So we made a plan with my co-worker how we mannage to put water in there without they'll escape.. We tooked a dish and landed the hatchery in it and tooked the top of the hatchery away. Now the escaping birds don't fall in to the floor and we might get them back to the hatchery. And the plan worked! :) We took "few" pics of them and I pet few chicks =) I fillew my bottles cork with water so they get something to drink but it's small enought that they maybe don't drown into it. They were so furry and warm<3

Now I'm at night shift again but the chicks aren't here anymore :( They went to their home. But it was a nice experience! =)

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