Driving home...

We all jumped back into the car this morning to head home again.

Me, Dad, Hev and Ty all stayed in Maclesfield, While mum stopped with her sister in Buxton, So we made our way through the middle of the peak district, over windy country roads, to pick up mum.
Then from Buxton, we ventured over the hills to Sheffield to meet up with Dad's friend and all went for a yummy lunch at Wokmania (not so slimming world friendly!! Ooops!)
Then headed for home...
... Bit snowy down here, All the roads we'd been on all day had been fine until we got to my little village... bit slippy out!!
All the white stuff that had fallen from the sky had made everywhere look so beautiful! So lovely and wintery.... Wellies and warm clothes on tomorrow... and i think me and lil man will play in the snow all day!! Love it!!

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