A Collector of Oddities

By MinBannister


Apodemus sylvaticus

Another beautiful day today and our tiny garden is like a Disney film.

A pair of Robins relay in and out, fluttering about and grabbing up beakfulls of insects, spiders and caterpillars to feed their chicks.

A female Blackbird has been collecting moss and herbs to line her nest. I pulled up some out-of-place wild strawberries and left them for her as I have noticed that they like to use them as nesting material. They normally pull them up themselves out of my strawberry pots though!

The garden is filled with humming as bumble bees bumble about (I wonder if the brown carders will nest in our garden again this year?).

I was also pleased to get a glimpse of this tiny Wood Mouse. They have been living in our garden ever since we moved in and I worry about them if I don't see them for a while. Their babies are hilariously cute, consisting only of a head and a set of hind legs. I am hoping to try and photograph some this year.

Also available in large if you click the magnifying glass!

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