Away in a Manger

"Can I take your photograph?"

"Erm .. What a photograph? ... Oh, yeah, sure"

I don't know who was more nervous, the young busker or me asking for permission. What a nice young man. I left him some money and I even gave him a blip card and warned him he might end up online!

Christmas has come to the streets of Edinburgh. Shoppers, sales, christmas markets, lights, buskers and even santa's reindeer.

You know, I've never really been into Christmas the way some people are (not even as a kid I don't think), but you know, I think you have to be 'in it to win it' if you know what I mean. Perhaps it was the snow but it did feel quite Christmasy today.

Although from the meager collection in his case I'm not sure the other shoppers were full of festive cheer. Go on blippers, adopt a busker this Christmas :-)

I'm lucky that Mrs42 sorts out most of the presents (except one of them of course). But today I was on a mission. To buy tupperware boxes. Oh the excitement! Don't ask...

As I shook his hand and walked off the sounds of "Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer" followed me down Rose Street. And I hadn't even had a drink.

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LOTD: Cymberline's Forth Rail Bridge blip is exquisite. Lovely colours and composition. Dreamy almost.

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