Just Born
A busy morning with lambing. I was sitting reading my book when The Crofter came in and said that a ewe who was about to lamb was stealing one of the twins that was born a few days ago. I got the boots on and went out to see. Managed to get a hold of both lambs and carried them and the mother followed me so I put them in front of the house. We both stood and observed the ewe who was about too lamb as we could see some feet out the back but nothing was happening. We tipped her over and I tried to pull the lamb out but it was stuck and was in the breech position which makes it more difficult. I just couldn't do it so we built a pen round here with me kneeling on top of her to keep here there and then phoned for help. R came and after a lot of pulling he managed to get it out. A huge lamb. Just after he left we saw another ewe who looked as if she was in difficulties so we went to get her and discovered that the head was sticking out but we couldn't see any feet. We tipped her over and I had a look and found one leg and managed to pull it out. Both lambs seem to fine. I am completely exhausted. Lets hope the other come themselves.
Weather today is warm but overcast.
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