The Laws

By thelaws


... and about time too! Seriously there was a time when I thought I'd never get here! I found Blip way back in July 2007.

My Blip journey has been, for me both joyous and painful. A record of our life, in good times and bad. When things got very tough, I stopped posting. I couldn't find a way of being able to share our life and yet keep a degree of privacy to it. I've since come to learn that some elements of our life can not be private because they shape the very way we live our life.

From one of my darkest moments came support and therein lies the beauty of Blipfoto. It is a community of people for whom one image can tell a thousand words, one image can sum up a day and where one comment can make a difference.

We're not the same family that started this journey in 2007. We lost two of our cats earlier this year; Talisker in January and Tiggy in July. Our wonderful dog, Barney, followed in September, and in October, our daughter left our family.

Sharing this news has been hard, it's very current, but this event is shaping our lives and will continue to do so. To not mention it seems to make light of a tough situation. There will, of course, be elements that will remain private and in doing so might mean we open ourselves up to criticism. That said, I'm not prepared to hide it away or to discuss it further. Our two children have brought incredible joy to our lives and both will continue to do so.

Now let's hope that the next 365 images do not take twenty nine months to complete!
Oh and thank you weather for making a memorable way to mark 365 images.

Some of my favourites:
Spanish Waves
Making the Blipblog
The Monument, London

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