Glory is fleeting

By mskitty

Deserted hospital

Which is what you'd expect at 4 am.
Got called last night by my Dad's care home. He'd fallen and broken his hip.
They took him by ambulance to the Royal where I went to meet him. (about 11pm)
He had been given morphine and around 12.30 they took him for X rays - but he was sick while there. So, still on a trolly in A & E, they gave him an anti-nausea drug - which immediately made him very ill. He seemed to be having seizures and batting away at something that he was seeing. It took until about 3,30 for that to settle. They took him to a ward around 4.00.

I made the mistake of asking a nurse for directions out of the building. He sent me the very long way through the deserted hospital.

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