
By LadyFindhorn

On A Cold and Frosty Morning.. tra la

I slip and slithered my way into town this morning to meet up with a cycling friend sans bike, looking almost unrecognisable without her usual lycra.

You could be forgiven for thinking that given the recent weather forecasts the toon cooncil would have gritted the road outside the castle wall: a road that they are happy to let be used as a rat run avoiding the adjacent main road with its traffic lights.
But no, a cost saving budget must have been operational as both the pavements and the roadway were like a skating rink. My climbing boots were quite effective but I was still conscious of taking small steps to avoid having the indignity of finding myself on the floor.
It was amazing to see women teetering about on high heels and wearing considerably less than the weather dictated. I suspect they were off to the office Christmas lunch.
I bet the casualty department at the ERI an WG will be busy with broken hips and hypothermia today.

Having reached Princes Street I took this blip of a cold and forbidding castle from the steps at the Mound. I hope it conveys the frosty atmosphere of the scene.

As I passed M&S, who should I meet but his Lordship, whom I had safely left back at the castle. It seems he was out on a secret errand to buy me a Christmas present despite the fact that we had decided not to do presents to each other this year, because there were so many other family presents to buy.
I believe he was thinking that he would gain the moral high ground by giving me a present when I didn't have one to give him. Sly or what..... ?

Anyway I had actually sent a letter up the chimney to santa asking for an SLR camera, but I got a text back saying that he had none to give and I should just get on and do better with the one I have. He also added that it's a poor workman who blames his tools!

The ending of the story is that apparently his Lordship couldn't find anything to give me , so we are equal again and presentless. There will be tears before Christmas evening............

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