Make your life come to life!

Had a fairly busy day taking mainly metal items to the tip.. My old hammock stand bike wheels and old lawn mower and a strimmer. That done we then did our food shop as tomorrow afternoon we are helping youngest son clear out his room once and for all in his flat in Brighton.. He has definitely flown the nest and now living in Kew!! I love his drive and ambition...
Phoned my mummy after shopping and i miss her so much.. Can't wait for my next visit north.. My boy is only moving about 70 miles away and i know i will see him quite often but my mum lives over 340 miles away and as age gets to us all so does the worry!!
We had a lovely walk down the beach late afternoon.. Could have easily stayed home but i was ready to get myself back out there after a lazy week.. Have you noticed how many people own cameras these days? I almost posted a pic of a guy taking pics but i couldn't resist Jonathan livingstone Seagull enjoying a quiet peaceful paddle ,,,
Hope everyones Easter Break is going well!!!

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