A Good Friday.

6am wake up but as daddy was here and she was calling for him, felt it rude to go myself! tee hee

Dressed and headed to swimming, daddy commented on how exhausting it was tee hee I did say she was very different swimming here to her swimming lessons.

Home, Charlotte crashed, I pottered, lee went to b&q!

Lunch then headed out to see charlie and Lola at the theatre. Charlotte really enjoyed the walk up to the theatre and having a really good go at getting up all the steps to the theatre. She was very excited to see this Peppa Pig cut out and happily posed for her photo in it.

Interval icecream was a hit as was eating it in her seat! The performance was quite lovely, leaves falling, snow dropping and bubbles blowing. Charlotte sat well given her age and the duration.

Got home, did an Easter egg hunt for Charlotte and Lucy - Charlotte kept on giving Lucy hugs which weren't appreciated! How do you stop your daughter from hugging people?

Bath, took pity on daddy and granted a pub pass whilst I did milk. Throughly enjoy this time with Munchie as she snuggles up do much, especially during stories.


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