Seeing Red

We had The Cygnet staying overnight with us, but he was good and didn't disturb us until I got up after 7.

After we dropped him off at home I did a bit of gardening ...... well - it was a gorgeous day.
I even took some pictures of the honesty and the snakes head fritillaries in the garden.

In the afternoon, SWMBO and I went out to buy some wonderful cheesecake in Bathgate and then headed out past Linlithgow to the new eating place (Bridge 49) on the Union Canal.
Unfortunately we were not impressed with the service or politeness of the staff. When we were asked if we had a reservation and we said no it was more a coffee we were looking for there was a condescending 'well I suppose we can squeeze you in' despite the place being half empty. We were then not given or even offered a menu - just asked 'well, what do you want?' We probably would have bought cake to go with our drinks but they blew that. It took 15 minutes to pay the bill (after being ignored 3 times by a waitress) and as we left SWMBO opened the door and a table clearer barged through without any word of thanks. We will not be back - no matter how good the food.

After that disappointment we went for a walk along the tow path to Whitecross Kirk and Haining Castle (also known as Almond Castle). The last time I was there there was a huge empty brick works which has now been reduced to a few large piles of bricks.

Between the weeding and the walking my back is saying 'No more!' ..... so no more it is.

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