Offcumden Cal

By Cal

Cider with Rosie/Karen

Another fabulous day - I am LOVIN this Easter break. In readiness for onslaught of home made hot cross buns, I took myself off for an early constitutional on the moor.
So lovely, saw a couple of deer, some herons flying overhead, and then a small-minded sign put up on a newly PRIVATEd bit of land. It had fallen off the gate but when I went past on my return journey it had been reinstated by someone who had obviously read it and thought - oh yes, that does need to go back up. So I took it home with me. More another time as I am ruminating on what to put up in its place.

The evening began well with an invite to a friend's allotment (her of pheasant allotment fame) to sample the cider pressed locally from her apples last autumn. I can report that it was very good - infact so good that I cannot remember the name of this new Serama hen. All I know is he is diminutive, which in the serama breeding world is a GOOD THING. Begins with B, Bobby?

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