Too Much of a Good Thing
When I saw that today's Shakespeare challenge was Too Much of a Good Thing from As You Like It, I knew that my glutinous squirrels had to play a part! HA! Pun intended!
This morning I noticed that R had placed a new feeder (the one seen here) in the yard. So I baited it with all the squirrel's favorite things: peanuts, squirrel biscuits with peanut butter, sunflower seeds, and cracked corn. I knew they couldn't resist that smorgasbord. And I was right...... it didn't take long for this sweet female to come enjoy the bounty.
It's almost too much of a good thing!
Thanks to DawnP, I now know how to link to my large image. Hey! It worked! Thanks DawnP!
Why then, can one desire too much of a good thing? Come,
sister, you shall be the priest, and marry us. Give me your hand,
Orlando. What do you say, sister?
As You Like It
Act IV, scene 1
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