
By Skyroad

Uluru, Bullock Harbour

This place does have something sacred about it: a public but also secret place behind the fishing huts in Bullock Harbour, I have photographed it quite a few times now. But the rich evening light on granite always mesmerises me. Tagging, the stains of old fires and nests of beer cans don't detract from it; maybe even add something. Like those patches of mustard-orange lichen, they've become part of the parceling.

After stopping here I drove over to Yvonne's place and drew her away from the book/MS for drive to Vico with Lola and a descent into the gravity well of Killiney Beach. I let Lola off the lead eventually when a woman with a big brown lab happened along and she they both played rough, Lola emitting a queer rat-like squeaking every now and then. Kids in the nearby derelict changing huts laughed and cheered her at first as she raced with the other dog.

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