
By tookie

An Angel

This is my angel Marilyn. I met her when I began driving school bus in the mid-seventies. We drove together for 20+ years until she retired. She was my dear partner in crime at work and we did many costumes for events together over the years. She has a heart of gold and is always there at the right time whenever you need a friend or support. You never have to ask ...she just knows. She looks for the best in others and easily lends a hand to those in need. Yesterday she stopped over and brought me lovely purple and lavender carnations. Her grandson had stopped over to give her a "caretaker" break as she watches over her husband who has alzhiemers. She never complains but I know it takes a toll on her as she cares for him and lives with his decline. She is a giver, a lovely person and a cherished friend:)

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