
By shannonkerley

Back it up

Hello from Rome!

Since I haven't blipped for a while I'll catch you up on what's been going for the past few days.

Friday I went to Plitvice Lakes National Park. It's quite possibly the most beautiful thing I've ever seen in my life. There are no words to describe it. Swimming in the waterfalls (illegally of course) is something I'll never forget. We spent most of the day there before heading back to the hostel with Joška. He's the nicest guy.

Saturday we spent the day at the beach. Although the water was freezing, we (yes, me too!) jumped in the ocean. We played some games and say in the sun for the better part of the afternoon before hitting up the markets and old town. At night we went to a club that was built to resemble a cruise ship (right near the port). There was glass on the floor, like a lot of glass, but it was awesome nonetheless.

Sunday we went to the shops again, bought some ray bans and some gifts. I also got a Croatia jersey with my name on it. Then it was time to head to the airport. We said our goodbyes to our Canadian and American friends and headed to the airport with Joška and family. His kids were too adorable. After our flight we went back I school and this is where it starts to get rough. As you would probably guess, we had tests all week, just like every other week. So Sunday we pulled an all nighter studying for A&P.

Monday we went to take our test and had about an hour and a half lecture, then another 3 hour class. At 5, after class we ate dinner and them started studying for Pathology. Once again we stayed up until almost 4am (and made a Harlem shake video in the process--I blame sleep deprivation for our delirium).

Tuesday we slept til 9 and went to A&P. Then we had our path test and we all went to sleep after. Then I FaceTimed my family and saw Rory for the first time in a while! Bet he was glad to be home.

Wednesday I woke up sick, really really sick. Of course I'm leaving for spring break tomorrow and I need to start antibiotics. What a hoot it will be.

Sorry for the lack of communications but without service in Croatia and the mad dash to study for tests when I got home were things I couldn't control.

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