8 months old
Where has the time gone??
Isaac now weighs 14lb 1oz (birth weight 3lb 6oz)
Elliot now weights 15lb 5oz (birth weight 4lb 1oz)
Both boys still have bottles during the day but we also have 3 meals a day. So far the only foods we don't seem to like are cauliflower and cheese spread.
We had our first little taste of chocolate today (milky buttons Easter present) and we loved it.
Both boys can sit up unaided and the length of time they can do it for is getting bigger.
We can both get forward motion in our walkers when in the kitchen we think the carpet elsewhere are preventing us from moving.
We can crawl army style and are pretty quick at it and in the last few days have been making attempts to get up on all fours.
Elliot is trying to pull himself up on things and we can both stand up holding on to things as long us mummy helps us.
We both understand "up" "bubba" (bottle) and "bath" we raise our arms to be picked up when mummy asks up? But only when we really feel like it.
We love Peppa Pig and the Peppa pig channel is now in the favourites list on the TV but mummy doesn't let us watch it all the time :-( we like Ben and Holly too
We can both make a sound that sounds like ah mum so mummy says we are calling her and Isaac can go Daa sometimes
We have way too many clothes and toys
We love Pudding the pussy cat poor cat will have her work cut out when we are full mobile lol
We wonder what else we will learn in the next month
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