
By Kiteseeker

Thirsty work

Busy day preparing to travel down to South Wales for the JK. This an annual large orienteering event that takes place at Easter at different venues around the UK. This years entry is over 3,000 the largest it has been for some time.

The bathroom is beginning to take shape with new sink and toilet installed. Still the tiling, shower and radiator to be fitted before final decoration and flooring. Will be glad to have it finished!

Jet still needed a walk and we just coincided with the arrival of the steam engine into Pickering station. There were a lot of visitors all enjoying the nostalgia of the steam engine era. All clamouring to take pictures as the engine refilled its water tank. They did not seem to understand I was on an important blip mission!

Not sure about internet connection over the weekend but will try to catch up with comments when I can. Have a great Easter everyone.

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