youngies journey

By youngie66

Staring Fear In The Eye

Well I was quite early heading into work today and decided on one of my jaunts getting off at Haymarket to walk to Waverly Station via Princes Street and the Gardens as I love when walking through them remembering that my father is his last few years worked there as I love to sit with my coffee and watch the world go by as I dream the day away anyway I was doing my best to get a seagull shot and this fine old bird was flying almost at my height above the people sitting on the benches on the next level down from where I was standing, last time I came through here it was rather soggy and a drizzle filled the air so it was nice to have the sun out anyway a strange feeling I can never recall in my train driving career happened on my way to Newcastle and that was that I was totally bored driving, It almost gave me a fear as on a day with great weather and views near Berwick-Upon-Tweed I still had no enthusiasm I couldn't put my finger on it and just don't know why such a fear of despondincy came across me oh well maybe tomorrow I will feel different and it will be back up to Aberdeen tomorrow anyway back to my blip of this Gull in Princes Street Gardens as it gave me a real close up action shot as it flew by me at least it never shat on me lol anyway movie for the day is " Fear Lives Here 2012" looks amazing LARGE as well See Ya

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