
I'm so proud of myself for gearing up and braving minus twelve degree temperatures for my blip today...and doing my part to contribute to the long and illustrious history of arctic exploration.

It wasn't easy, I had to he......what? Ten. I took ten steps once I went through the front door. Not impressed? What if I told you I had to squat to get this angle? No? Whatever.

Some things I love about snow:
- It sparkles like diamonds when the sun is at a low angle.
- Its shadows are beautiful blues and purples.
- You can write your name in it when you're drunk (guys are especially good at that) and then try to cover it up the next day so the neighbors don't see.
- You can imagine you're only one inch tall and it's an arctic landscape with huge mountains and crevasses that you have to traverse, even though it's just the mailman's footprints across your neighbor's lawn.

Snow. I guess I don't mind it all that much.

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