If April Showers Bring May Flowers...

What do April snow-showers bring? Perterbed birds, that's what. This American Robin was clearly asking, "Hey, what's up with this snow storm so late in the year?"
Open irritation.

There were more birds around here this morning than I've seen in quite some time. Well, not since the weather started to warm up anyway. So many of the birds start to forage for their own natural food and don't need the feeders like they do in the winter. So eventually, as the temperatures rise, the birds thin out a little near the house. But today... they ALL came back! When I open the door the sound was overwhelming. The chatter and singing from so many birds all at once was fairly amazing. And of course, I was spoiled for blip opportunities, albeit snowy and cold blip opportunities but it was still fun... Burrrrr. (Here are a few more snowy birds if you are interested.)

Did somebody forget that it's the middle of April?... Let's get back to Spring, shall we?

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