
By Delamanda

A philoxenist's best friend

Another obsolete word for today (and yet I'm finding these obsolete ones much more interesting than some of those in current usage) - "philoxenist", which means 'A lover of hospitality to strangers' (OED). Interesting that the Greek etymology indicates it is the giver of hospitality who is doing the loving, rather than the stranger receiving it. Photographically, I decided to go for a pot of tea, since that surely has to be an essential weapon in any philoxenist's arsenal (although I doubt there was much of it about in ancient Greece). It is also an interesting word insofar as the spellchecker doesn't like it, but seems unable to auto-correct it. A right click reveals 'No guesses found' - I had always suspected that it guessed rather than tried to apply any logical rules to its auto-correction. So, for once, I win and the current score is spellchecker 98 - me 1! Or maybe the spellchecker is playing along and simply being philoxenic.

Day #105of a 365 project, where the daily pic is informed by the OED word of the day.

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