Black-capped Chickadee

This morning when I left for work it was only 25 degrees, & the whole driveway was covered in ice--almost fell & broke my neck as I wasn't expecting that when I walked out! The snow was still covering the grass, as it was too cold for it to melt....that was the bad part! The good part was that I was up early enough to see the "blood moon"--there was a small section of white still visable, but the rest was red--really cool!
I came out of the parking structure at work, & the entire intersection was torn up! --another bad part! Cars were backed up for blocks as there was only 1 lane open for cars going in both directions, so in order to get out, I had to turn in the opposite direction & make a huge detour--my 20 min. ride home was more like 40 min. But then when I DID get home, I saw many of these cute chickadee's in the back yard by the birdfeeder! You can find them all over the northern half of the U.S. (They look very similar to the Carolina Chickadee, except that the Carolina Chickadee, being a delicate "southern" bird, doesn't come up this far, as it dislikes the cold! ... Sounds like a couple of blippers I know!! Haha! ) The bird book says they're "friendly and sociable, easily tamed & even hand fed." I don't have a clue where they came up with that one, as they always seem to travel in groups & if one takes off, they ALL take off...not easy to get near them! Cute little birds with a really pretty call! :))

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