Furnace Lass

By furnacelass

Busy Bee Day

A beautiful, warm day today spent working in the garden. So much to be done after a long wet winter ; the grass in both back and front gardens is now cut and looking fairly tidy , will need another cut before the end of the week with the mower lowered. I can't remember ever seeing it so long.

Did a lot of clearing around the pond, still loads to do there. John worked away with his new toy , an electric saw, and cleared some very straggly bushes, some are now almost non existent as he has cut them right back to the wood. Still we now have a better view of the loch.

I spotted my first butterfly of the year but didn't get a photo of it, I did manage to get a half decent shot of this big bee on a dandelion flower, and before you all say get rid of them , I'm keeping the dandelions as the goldfinches like them . I think they use them to line their nests.

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