
By QuiltyT

A little Mondrian

My trip to the Tate Modern a couple of weeks ago inspired me to make my own take on a piece of art. The solid lines and colours of the Mondrian were clearly made for quilting, so this is what I chose. I did surprise myself though. I was expecting this to be a lap quilt, but it wasn't. When I started working on it, it was clear that it was going to be a mniature. It's 12 inches square, and the quilting lines are a quarter inch apart. I had to quilt it all by eye, as I couldn''t mark it because I didn't want to wash it afterwards.

Another lovely day today. Adam and I went for a walk/scoot this evening and it was lovely and warm. I'm hoping we'll actually get to spend some time outside over the next couple of days, but I still have lots of quilting to do!

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