Time Fragments

By timefragments


I couldn't think of a thing to blip today. Then the postman delivered a box of carnations to our door - this is one of them. They were from Arthur, the lonely, elderly man who lives across the road from us. We've helped him a couple of times. I went to thank him for the flowers and we got chatting. He's so alone and doesn't have anyone to visit over Christmas. We'll be away. He never sees anybody and the people who live in his block of flats are too busy living their lives to have much time for him. He told me he's trying to find his brother who lives in Lewisham in London, whom he hasn't had contact with in 30 years!
Me: You need a good woman, Arthur.
A: That would be nice - just for companionship.
Me: I think you should go onto a 50+ internet dating site. I've heard of many people who have met their partners that way. Why not go to the local library, register on a site and get going? You have nothing to lose.
A: That's a good idea. I've done a computer course, so I could do that.
Me: I'll take your pic, we'll load it onto the site and you'll be a for away.

Wow...perhaps we'll light a fire in Arthur's life in the new year. Wouldn't that be nice?

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