April Showers...
We were very rudely awoken at 5am this morning with the weirdest of noises coming through the sound system in our room from Alan's room. D and I both sat bolt upright in bed as this high pitched female voice sang in an unrecognisable language then giggled and laughed and blethered incessantly! WTF??!!!
Utter confusion for a moment (I thought Cardboard Tess had come to life!!) until we realised it was Alan's voice activated Furby! it was going bliddy nuts! Alan was laughing and shouting back to it so D went downstairs but couldn't get it to shut up do he dumped it in the games room at the opposite end of the house. Ah peace at last!
Didn't even hear D getting up for work. I woke at 8.30 and was all set to have a wee bit extra lie in time when I remembered the Tesco delivery was due, so up, showered and dressed in record time.
Ed arrived to spend some time with Alan and after lunch they headed off out for a while. I did more washing.
I've emailed the holiday people to let them know I've left my lap top lead so they say if it's there they'll post it to me. IF?!! Of course it's there! And if they can't find it I don't know where the hell it is!
Eek! Look at the time. D will be in shortly and not a potato peeled. No change there then I better go put on the frilly apron and spray some Mr Sheen in the air. Back later for a catch up :))
My lovely niece Jennifer
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