Job Done!

Lovely evening again, after the cloudy day, as you can see. for large, press the link...Tomorrow will be even better.

Far over the lake Tohloppi you can see the old factory which has been renovated to a flat. This is the view over the lake from the swimming beach. Straight from camera. Quite blue...

Anyway I am not happy with the blip it is so ordinary in a way, so this is a kind of emergency blip, as I had no time for better: you see, I broke my holiday for this day and had a working day at the office, and somehow was "forced" to clean the house too, after the work, as the sun revealed all the dust on the floor...

To grown the good day I had a glass of Baileys just now - and will continue the holiday again tomorrow!

Thank you for your company, comments and stars again. See you later...


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