
By Technophobe

The Boys Are Back In Town

This is the Peters and the Pauls cycling group. You have to be one of those to join, although I think there might be a Steve in there somewhere.

LooseCanon is second from the left. The others don't blip. Yet.

They are about to Flash mob the town of Pershore with a wave of lurid Lycra and killer thighs. They will consume their own body weight in bacon butties, cake and tea, before cycling home for a restorative snooze.

Then there will be the ritual cleansing of the precious equipment, a squirt of lubrication and a rub down with an oily rag. Not to mention washing the bike.

This will all be followed by oral rehydration therapy at the pub later, when they will have a good moan about the day's road-rage incidents, and generally put the world to rights.

It's a tough life.

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