"Kiss Me," Said the Frog

Shakespeare challenge: Submerged.

We have recently purchased an underwater camera for use on our upcoming (less than 2 weeks now!) trip to Hawaii. I thought about using it for today's challenge, but R took it to work with him.

No big deal as I wouldn't have had time to use it today anyway since I was working all day! I made plans with R to take the camera to the creek after he got home from work. I was going to submerge it under the water and hope to get a duck swimming by. But since I have posted ducks for the past two days, I wasn't really feeling that!

Then during work I remembered my neighbor's frog pond! Bingo! Blip done! Other than a slight crop, this is pretty much SOOC.

Tomorrow is my last day of employment (yay!) so after that I can devote more time to your journals. I will be back later for commenting but now it's almost time for Dancing With the Stars!

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