Kirstie Gossage

By KirstieG

Minnie Monday 28

I took Minnie to be weighed today. Thinking it'd be busy I was there early and all three Health Visitors doted on Minnie. I also say Liz my gorgeous midwife. I can't tell you how lovely she is, she made being pregnant a stress free time. Every time I see her she's so lovely and just adores Min too

Minnie was 15lb 5oz so tracking nicely in the 25th percentile - now she is on three meals a day I wanted to see how she was weight wise but I know there were no concerns. The HV also said not to worry about her standing (two people have mentioned bow legs etc so I wanted to hear their opinions) They basically said I can't stop her pulling herself up so not to worry

Popped to see MiL then popped to M&S and home for Tesco delivery

Book Club and it was only a few of us but lovely as usual - The Man Who Forgot His Wife was forgettable for most of us :)

Blenheim Palace watch out tomorrow - I hear there is a Blip Meet.....yippee, you know how I just love a blip meet :)

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