not seeing straight

By jaybroek


Tom has found returning to the UK particularly hard. Uncle Dave has always been very important to him; Dave stayed with us for quite long periods when Tom was younger and has played the male-role-model-who-ain't-dad to a 'T'.

In Oz Dave got Tom up on a surfboard and encouraged him to enjoy his skateboard. He's sat and watched action movies and blethered. It has been a big trip for Tom.

In the aftermath, however, feck all sleep on the flight back and Tom's natural sensitivity has led to a somewhat heightened state of tension. Tom woke at 4am again this morning, wound up because he thought we'd be angry that he couldn't sleep, and has burst into tears numerous times over the course of the day.

I was sat watching TV with him this evening and, noticing he'd stopped talking, I looked over on the sofa and he was asleep with a wee smile on his face. I think the day has gradually got better.

We all hope for a better night.

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