First Sunset Blip of the Year
A lovely day weather-wise spent indoors doing a variety of work. Thankfully Blip urged me outside to at least try for a decent shot. It really is lovely out there.
I had a very useful non-work conversation at work today. I will act on it and inform you in due course. Nothing frightfully secret - I'm just boring myself now with this topic and it needs to come to a conclusion.
I had a gift to deliver between the day job and going to the Panel this afternoon (and long before this evening's massage). A lovely friend was looking for donations to help an older Tibetan man in India with a knee operation that he needs very badly. She needed £2000. My knee still hurts from last week but will heal in time. Hearing of this man's plight made me grateful again that my problems are really pretty tiny in comparison. I stopped by Himalaya to make a donation and found out that my friend had already raised the full amount thanks to two huge donations. Isn't that wonderful? A call of need is met immediately by people who will never meet the man in question. There's much goodness in the world.
I hope you all got outside a bit today, blip poppets. x
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