St Augustines,Harleston, Suffolk
This pretty little 11th century church looks like it has come straight out of Little Red Riding Hood or some other fairy tale.
It's made of flint with a thatched roof (money is being raised to rethatch the roof as it has started to decay). Inside is a 14th century wooden screen. It underwent restoration in about 1860 when the wooden bell tower, an east window and chancel furnishings were added.
On the edge of the graveyard are a series of small iron Celtic cross markers in memory of 4 children from the same family:
Beatrice Armstrong died October 20th 1891 aged 8years
Spencer Armstrong died October 26th 1891 aged 12 years
Percy Armstrong died November 8th 1891 aged 14 years
Frank Armstrong died December 9th 1891 aged six months
but it is not known from what! I wonder what took these children within six weeks of each other, whatever happened it was a tragedy.
This is the little church behind the gate I blipped on the 9th April.
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