Dirty Wicker

By nicola

Only Tuesday? Really?

Feeling the pre-Christmas slump at the moment - can hardly believe it's still so early in the week and I'm so insanely tired! Mad stressful Christmas shopping at lunchtime doesn't help.

I decided to cheer myself up by taking Caroline's advice and going for a change at the hairdressers. Word of advice: if a hairdresser ever tells you he's in a rush then tells you he 'doesn't muck about' just leave. And leave fast.

Now I have a bob. That will teach me to make spontaneous decisions.

It was not helped by Andy insisting 'no really, it's fine'. Word of advice to husbands, boyfriends, brothers, dads etc over the festive season: no matter how bad her hair is, never say it's fine. Acceptable alternatives include: Gorgeous, beautiful, sexy, 'You can carry off any look' etc etc.

Another corker Andy once somehow got away with was 'Ooh it's like having a whole new girlfriend.'

Tread carefully with that one too.

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