A bike's shadow

Finnish practice:

Oli ihana kevätpäivä tänään. Oli vähän kylmä muttä aurinko paistoi. Todella pidin tämän polkupyörän varjoa.

(What I want to say: We had a beautiful Spring day today. It was a bit cold but the sun was shining. I really liked the shadow of this bike.)

The weather was lovely. I enjoyed walking to work in the sunshine, feeling the crispy cold air at the same time. People were smiling in the streets.

Work was really busy though. Too busy for a Monday! It looks like it will be like this for the rest of the week. I don't even want to think about Saturday just now. It will be a nightmare!!

As I'll be rather busy this week, I've decided to take a week off from Finnish practice, since I'll be too tired for it. If I manage to find some spare time, I may revise what I've learnt so far. My memory is not keeping much though, haha! Just getting older! :)

Now, time to relax!

Thanks very much for your nice comments on my new walking shoes. I hope you all have a nice Easter time, whatever you do! :)

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