Ukulele Hayley

By Ukulelehayley

Hair Raid

With the weather promising to get warmer, I thought it was time for Bertie and me to get our summer 'do' so today we both had appointments with our stylists (not in the same salons, I hasten to add) I'm very glad we don't share a stylist as his was VERY scissor-happy, to say the least!

Poppy hates Bertie's new look, in fact, she burst into tears. There was much wailing and gnashing of teeth whilst she put on an Oscar-winning performance and demanded to have the old Bertie back. I have promised his return (in about 6 weeks or so) when his fur grows back.

BTW, after setting up the camera and finding out how to change the location of the focus point, I asked my glamorous assistant to press the shutter. Blip cheat??

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