
By LadyFindhorn

The Silvery Tay

It was the perfect day for a trip to his Lordship's home town of Dundee to rendezvous with is cousin and wife. They have recently moved into a new-build town house which has the most amazing views over the river Tay and the rail bridge of disaster fame so written about by the dodgy Scottish poet McGonagall *.
They took us out for lunch to the Dundee Contemporary Arts Centre which is modern and houses a restaurant , 2 cinemas and the Printmakers' Workshop. Our meal was excellent and gave us time to catch up with their news.

We walked back by the river and caught this amazing sunset at the shockingly early hour of 3:25 pm.

On the way home we popped in for a nanosecond to say hi to his Lordship's brother in Perth and then it was back to Edinburgh in pouring rain on the M90. We considered ourselves very lucky with the sun in Dundee.

*Beautiful silvery Tay
With your landscapes so lovely and gay
Along each side of your waters, to Perth all the way;
etc etc

I think you get the drift of why we consider him a dodgy poet!

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