My 40th year

By 54r4h

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This a beautiful tulip in Grandads garden that was unfurling in the warm sunshine.

Mark and I packed up the car all morning, the girls played outside and Aunty Pamela made a roast dinner. Carla, Matt and Sophie arrived to say goodbye and I dragged them all out for a family portrait in the garden. So much sunshine today! India and I explored all round the garden taking lots of photos, today I had the luxury of 3 good blips to choose from, one of the old telephone box that Aunty P has in her garden, a Moroccan glass hurricane lamp and the tulip. I changed my mind twice. Barry and his girlfriend arrived for Sunday lunch and we had a lovely family meal, just before pudding I spotted a dog in the garden. That was the next hour taken care of culminating in Uncle M and I driving the worried brown and white collie home and a kindly neighbour taking her in. Just as we were leaving her non the wiser owner arrived home so relief all round.

We went to see Grandad before heading home, India laid a blanket out on the sunny lawn and laid down to read whilst Heidi counted the tulips. There are so many beautiful flowers in Grandads garden, I wish we lived closer, I would have so many blips! Mark drove the 4 and a bit hours home and we all slept. The dogs were so happy to see us when we collected them from Marks parents, now to get on with the washing.......

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