Packed a lot more art stuff into the day today. Back to the McClellan galleries and then to the 'hen run' in the mac building of the Art school. Into the fab new building across the way. Liking the tunnel of lights.
Then absurdly - to an underground car park to the 'pool'. That was funny!
Then very nice lunch in the new ProjectCafe which only opened today. Great home cooked wholesome food.
Then down to Alistair Frost's 'nail bar'. It's a pop up nail where you could should foils of his work on the walls. I was naughty I chose a different one for each nail! Then if course we went to a very well known bar for our cocktails!
GOMA and the dinner and the out the Citz for a laugh! The beautiful Cosmos of Ivor Cutler. talk of absurdities!
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