Stuff I've Seen & That

By trevtrev72


After a Skype to Jos, cane to London and perhaps naively went to Oxford Street. I was fully aware of what I was getting into. And overall was quite a successful trip, so worth it.

Watched a bit of the FA Cup with Fabs and Alessio. Who after meeting at Bombay Bicycle club actually get on rather well. Went for a pizza and then to the Lemon Tree for golf before heading home.

Alessio was talking about adding to one if his projects and I loved just rattling off different ideas that would be fun to do. I've not done that yet in work. I'm not sure if its because it was a uni project or I've not had the right brief, but I really enjoyed it regardless. That's what I enjoy, having fun wee ideas to push a brand/communicate in a fun way.

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