Anni Mamundi

By An1ma

Brave... Or cheeky?

Definitely cheeky.
This one communicates nags when the feeder is empty.
And has been known to ride on the lawnmower
(giving a little regal wave of the wing as he trundles past the kitchen window).

My Grandmother used to feed a little robin at her window.
Another cheeky one who, given bread, would tap until she relented and
provided cake.
Which she always did.
She fed everyone...
I have some lovely old cine film of her on the beach, in a deckchair, with a queue of (90% unknown) children in front of her awaiting a jelly tot or a galaxy counter from her Lady Bracknell type handbag.

Hands up all those who remember galaxy counters.
Just me then :-/

A lazy Sunday afternoon robin.

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