Angel Eyes

By AngelEyes


Yesterday Flash was clearly not feeling well. In the evening he was very bloated in the stomach area but very worryingly was having problems with his coordination. We thought he had Lyme diease from the mass of ticks the dogs collect daily.

So this morning I took off to the vet. A full report is on Schorschi's Blip. The findings, a 10cm dia. tumour on his spleen and virtually no chance of survival.

We went for the 1:100 option. Here is Flash all tubed up to have the anaesthetic. I held his paw and as he slowly closed his eyes, I told him he was needed at home this evening to put the horses & chickens to bed (his daily duty).

3 hours of nervous waiting, sitting in a park in Memmingen when eventually the news came he had survived the operation, a miracle on it's own.

He was allowed home and as the horses are staying out at night in this wonderful weather, it sufficed that he had a quick look to check they were present & correct. The chickens were already in bed. Duty done, he concended to come indoors and take a rest.

Our greatest thanks to the team at the vets for giving us the chance to spend another hour, day, month.......together. The whole team were so kind and thoughtful to both Flash and myself.

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