
Southern Mahogany (Eucalyptus botryoides)
commonly known as the Bangalay or Southern Mahogany, native to southeastern Australia.
Reaching up to 40 metres (130 ft) high, it has rough bark on its trunk and branches.
It is found on sandstone- or shale-based soils in open woodland, or on more sandy soils behind sand dunes.
The white flowers appear in summer and autumn.
It reproduces by resprouting from its woody lignotuber or epicormic buds after bushfire.
This one stands in East Perth, they can live around 600 years.

The tree of deepest root is found
Least willing still to quit the ground;
Twas therefore said by ancient sages,
That love of life increased with years.
So much, that in our latter stages,
When pains grow sharp and sickness rages,
The greatest love of life appears.

(Hester Lynch Thale)

Shakespeare's invented words

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