Grey Go-away-bird (Corythaixoides concolor)

I was headhunting these two for several days now! C&R snr saw them twice since Friday, but I could not find them! They are obviously looking for a place to settle, and the first time we saw them around this season.

This afternoon I was quite disappointed for not finding anything interesting to shoot, when Lillian looked back, don't know why, but then she saw them in a tree where I tried to shoot them. But to no avail, they hide behind branches all the time! They flew to another very high tree and we sneeked around the street block to get a hold of this pic!! Eisch!! ;-)

They are also known as Grey Lourie, or in Afrkaans Kwêvoël, is a southern African bird of uniform grey with black beak. It is widespread in savanna woodland, a clumsy flier though extremely agile in clambering through tree crowns. It has a distinctive loud alarm call "quare", sounding like "Go-away".

The crest is raised when excited. They eat mainly fruit (such as wild figs and berries), flowers and buds, leaves, termites and snails.

We discovered one vérrry dangerous spider in a corner ofour drive-through at the front door, please look at her in her cobweb, with some of her prey! She is very poisonous and I know of people that died within 10 to 30 minutes after being bitten by one! Needless to say, R snr destroyed her and her eggs immediately after I shot this!

I couldn' resist posting the terrible twins for you as well!! Aren' they sweet when they are tired!!?? ;-)

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