Different day, different dock

This wasn't what I had in mind today, but I couldn't resist taking a quick capture of the guy guiding the boat in to contrast with the one I took the other day of the guy helping guide a boat out. No worries here about navigating between other boats.
I had a pretty close encounter with a bald eagle today. I was walking along the road when it swooped out of the trees to my right, about 20 feet above my head. It circled and came back right above me - I bet only about 10 feet above. It looked like it was going to land just across the road, but then a car came around the corner and it flew back up and away. I tried to see where it landed but it disappeared. Wow. It all happened so fast that the only way I could have taken a photo would have been if it had landed.
What a beautiful day it is! It finally feels like spring, and we're supposed to get a few warm days in a row. My favourite time to walk is in the early morning, so now that it gets light earlier and it's warmer, I'm a happy camper!

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